Samstag, 9. Mai 2015

A hand full

Mother's Day is right around the corner. It's going to be my third one and the first one for Liam to actually know what's going on. Slightly. Maybe. Apparently Liam got something for me. That's what grandma said. I'm very excited to see what it is. It must be something special since "they" are making a big deal out of it.
Just one day left until Mother's Day and I'm all set with my moms present. Part of it is very personal and handmade and I know she will be able to appreciate it. She always does.
I went back to Michael's this week to get one final thing for my project and Liam managed to make me break down in the spray paint aisle. I turned around to the guy working there to tell him what I needed and when I turned around after 1 minute Liam had already managed to open a little bottle of glitter color and poured it all over his clothes, jacket and stroller. He sure is a hand full at the moment. He yells and cries, hits and kicks, throws things around, at me and even worse everyone else. He is smart enough to know which buttons he has to push and is really testing me right know. Terrible two's at their best, huh !? The blessing and curse of a smart child I guess.
Anyways, I really hope he can be on his best behavior for Mother's Day. Give me some rest. Because one of us is slowly running out of energy and it's definitely not him.

As you can see I didn't bother changing his outfit for the next couple of hours. Ha ! So his shoes are ADIDAS, his pants and shirt are ZARA. Such a messy kid !

Bis bald,


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